Our joined concert partners
As one can read elsewhere on this website, the Melody Girls give their concerts together with other musicians. We prefer to have for instance on a trip a combination of a concert with a pop artist(s), a big male voice choir and a quintet ( with blazer instruments);
In this concept that has many advantages we normally sing about 1/3 of the songs together, 1/3 our partner sings and 1/3 the Melody Girls sing. A nice evening or afternoon is filled in this way.
We build a nice relation over time with these partners and our songs become more and more suitable for different combinations.
We hereunder introduce you the partners we have lately been giving joined concerts with:
St Edmundsbury Male Voice Choir
Formed in 1988 by four teachers, St Edmundsbury Male Voice Choir currently numbers approximately 60 members drawn from Bury St Edmunds and its surrounding villages and as far afield as Ipswich, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire.
The Choir has a wide repertoire of songs from 1940s swing, classical and traditional songs, spirituals, folk songs and material from musical theatre, to tunes from the charts. Besides performing locally in Suffolk, we have toured extensively both within the United Kingdom and Europe assisting many charitable organizations in their fund raising activities. We regularly sing with other choirs, groups, bands, orchestras or solo artists.
Jay Murray – regular artist in The Cavern in Liverpool and well know Beatle performer.
With Jay the Melody Girls have a close relation as the combination of a guitar player / singer and the Melody Girls is perfect, especially when the favorite and famous Beatle songs are performed together.
It is therefor at the moment investigated how realistic it is for the Melody Girls together with Jay to make a trip to the U.S.A. and Canada to perform a program dedicated to the Beatles.